Saturday, May 29, 2010

The End!

Thursday was an eventful and tiring day. After Louie's graduation, we had Lanny's final soccer game of the year. It was a make-up game and I'm so glad we got to play because Aaron finally made it to a game. And guess what?!? Lanny made a goal! Yipppeee! His first ever! He is usually pretty timid, so I was really proud of him. He kept after the ball and fought for it, finally putting it into the goal! I think he was pretty excited. After the game we had a little team party with snacks and the kids all got a participation trophy. Lanny was thrilled, and Louie was mad because she didn't get one. But, maybe next year, I signed her and Lanny up to play in the fall. And now Kessie is mad because I told her she is still too little. I'm am just a mean, mean Mommy. (I think Kessie would actually be old enough, but she still seems too small to me. Can you blame me for wanting to keep my baby little for just a wee bit longer?) Soccer has been a great experience and we're all glad that Lanny got to play this year. He had a fabulous Coach, seriously wish I had that much patience. He really improved, and had a great he made some new friends. I made new friends too, which is a great thing. We're already planning summer playdates!
Such form...don't you think. Aaron took this picture and the background is in focus and Lanny is out of focus, but I just love it anyway. His concentration, okay, I can't really explain it, but it makes me happy so I had to share it!


My Louie, STRIDE class of 2010, high school graduating class of 2023!

Louie recieving her diploma from Miss Gayle one of her teachers.

Miss Renee is another of Louie's teachers. We love her. She is the one that told us about the bald eagles. (Which have you checked them out yet, they're huge!!!)

Just Us!

My absolute favorite picture of Louie from her graduation!

Yep, it's official, Louie graduated from pre-school on Thursday! She was so cute. They all came in with everyone wearing their caps and gowns, well except a few who refused to wear the cute caps, yep, Louie was one of them. She was perfectly content to be just herself. They sang us some songs and then received paper diplomas from one of their teachers. Louie was so shy and embarassed, but you could tell she was thrilled at the same time. She has had a great last year with many wonderful teachers. (I didn't get a picture of all of them, but here are a couple.) Louie is so excited to go on to Kindergarten, but I know she'll miss her fabulous teachers and friends that she's made. We're proud of you Louie! Great Job!!!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


So I don't want my hubby to feel neglected. He has been working so hard and taking such good care of us that I would feel bad if I let anymore time slip by without mentioning a very important event that happened for him. Yes, it was his birthday on the 14th. He celebrated the big 36! We just had a little celebration at home for him, since he had to work part of the day. But that isn't what I'm talking about. Two days ago....wait for it...insert intense music here...I found his first gray hair!!! Actually, it was completely white! I was laughing so hard, but he swears it's just part of his vitiligo. But really, I've never seen any vitiligo up in his hair. (The situation was made even funnier because right before our missionaries left they asked me if he had dyed his hair, because he was looking so much younger. I laughed, but maybe he's hiding more than one white hair under a bunch of never know, he's always surprising me!) Because I love him, I'll continue to let him use the vitiligo excuse, but I still get to tease him. Love that man, he puts up with me so well! Happy Birthday, Honey, I love you!!!

Aaron gets super kisses from his girls on his birthday. Kessie's hair looks a bit like a used car salesman because she had just been styling it with "hanitizer". It's what she calls hand sanitizer. You didn't know that made such a great hair product, did you?!

Lanny made this sign for Aaron and hid it in the closet for over a week!

Lanny is so excited for Daddy's birthday!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Turkey Hunting...

Last Monday Aaron took the day off so he could go turkey hunting. And yep, he got one. He was pretty excited and then we ate it on Wednesday. It was pretty tasty. After Aaron got home on Monday from hunting, he took the kids up to Pole Mountain to do some fishing. Since then, we've had terrible weather, so I'm glad they got a little outdoor time. Unfortunately for them, he made them eat hot dogs! They loved it, I'm not too keen on it. While they were gone, I did some cleaning, scrapbooking and took a walk in some major wind. I think I was pushed backward more often than I managed to go forward. They caught a fish, and yes, every one of my children ate part of it. So proud of them. I hid upstairs, because not only do I hate the taste, I also hate the smell. I love it when the kids get to spend time with Daddy.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


We've now been sitting around the radio for over four hours. We've polished off a plate of over thirty cookies, hey, we eat when we're nervous. So here is my question. Lanny informed me that we not only were in a tornado warning, but also a flash flood warning. One telling us to seek shelter in the basement and the other telling us to go to higher ground. So which one do we follow? Go to the basement and drown, or run upstairs and get blown into Nebraska? I'm only joking, but I thought it was a good question. Just so my Mom doesn't worry, we're fine, the tornado warning is over and we're not in a flash flood area. But, just in case you were wondering...we're always told to seek higher ground in many aspects of our lives, so I think I'd opt for that option. Or, I'd just do what Aaron told me to do, I trust him completely, he thinks a lot more clearly than I do. On a side note, I called my sister to complain about the storm and she always makes me laugh. She inspired me to move my couch downstairs so that we could at least be comfortable while waiting out a storm. I'm gonna get right to it. The couch has a fold out bed, so we're all set, we'll put it right next to the storage room and be, shelter, comfort. Who could ask for more!
P.S. Just wish we had our grass in, we wouldn't have to water for weeks!

Thursday, May 13, 2010


No, Mom, I'm not being gross or disrespectful, I just want to toot my own horn for a minute. Head on over to the Scrapbook and Cards Today blog and you'll see a journal I decorated. Not only do I get to be on their blog today, but they always have fun ideas and great projects to look through some of their other posts too, you'll be glad you did! Thanks for letting me brag a bit, I promise, I'll go right back to my very humble self.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

New E-mail

Hotmail is totally being a bum, so I have a new account at Hope this one works better than my other one!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

Wanted to wish everyone out there a Happy Mother's Day! Hope it was fabulous! Except for you guys, sorry your turn is coming. Here are a couple pics from yesterday. Louie was so excited to bring my gift in from the car, Aaron took the picture. And my bestest gift of all...well, they love to cuddle and most the time they have messy faces and hands, but I still adore them. Love my kids and am so grateful to be their mom. And of course, my sweet hubby, don't have a pic, but he means the world to me too.

In other news. Lanny had a great game. He got the ball away from the other team several times. Here's my favorite shot from the game! Yeah, he's pretty cool!

A couple of stories for your enjoyment. Kessie is always running around in her undies. She hates keeping her clothes on. Everyone just gets used to it. Yesterday, our new Elders came over for dinner. In the middle of dinner she went up to change out of her Sunday dress. I went up a few minutes later to help. She put on a little sundress, that I usually put a onesie under, but she just put it on. Suddenly she stopped and said, "Mom, is it okay if the Elders see my shoulders?" I have no idea where her sudden sense of modesty came from, but I said it would probably be okay this once. Nope, she couldn't handle that answer, so she grabbed a jacket, zipped it up, and put the hood on! Well, no one can claim that she wasn't modest yesterday!

Louie has been having a lot of bad dreams lately and it has really been upsetting her. Yesterday morning, at the breakfast table, she was talking about one of them and asked what she could do about her dreams. Lanny, ever the helpful brother, piped right up. He explained that it helped if she realized she was dreaming, and then it wouldn't seem so scary. So he told her how to recognize if she was dreaming. "First, ask yourself, can I feel the floor?" Okay, so that is as far as his helpful list got because Aaron and I were laughing so hard. I, in fact, asked myself that very question at least a dozen times yesterday. I also asked Aaron and the kids that question multiple times...I think by the end of the day, they were sick of it, but I can't get over it. It makes me giggle every time I say it! And just so you know, yes, I can feel the floor! Go me!

And lastly, I had to add this shot of Louie feeding the chickens. My kids are always so scandalous! Gotta love it. I started by taking a picture of my funny girl, which led to training our stunt chickens. Yep, they actually will take flight if they want that food bad enough! Maybe we have simple pleasures, but hey, we enjoy it!