Wednesday, August 27, 2008

First Day of First Grade

Photos 1---Lanny after the tears and before school, ready to take on the world!
2&3---After school, with Afflerbach Elementary in the background.
4---The playground, obviously the best part of school, next to art class. (Yes, I know how dangerous leaving Kessie in the swing alone was, but I wanted her in the shot, don't worry, I ran like the Flash!
Holy Cow, I know. Lanny is already in first grade. We had some tears this morning, but we all made it. Lanny was all smiles when I picked him up, and plans on returning tomorrow for another day of learning. He even wishes that I was in first grade so that I could have his teacher Mrs. Jackson, who apparently is very nice. I asked him if she was nice, or if she turned into a screaming maniac when no one was looking. He looked at me as if I was a bigger dope than usual and said "Mom, she just talks, that's all." When I went to pick him up he informed me that he already knew the way to the playground and that he had asked and we were allowed to go out and play as long as I was with them. This is a new school for Lanny, the fourth in three years and I am very proud of how he adjusts. His school has over 500 students, almost double what his last one did. He is already making friends. He must get that from Aaron, because personally I started panicking when I saw all the people. It is a hard adjustment again having him gone, and the girls miss him, but we are all excited for the great adventure of first grade!

1 comment:

Grandpa Craig said...

Really enjoy the blog. I even showed it to mom and now she'll probably make me show it to her everyday to ensure she doesn't miss anything... Thanks a bunch!


p.s. See you in September (and the end of August too).