So I'm playing ketchup now. I've tried to go to the library a few more times, but Kel will have none of it. She can't possibly sit still for more than a minute three seconds. I'm currently on Aaron's work computer, and he is sweating. If I give his computer a virus, he's tossing me out. So let's get right to it....Lanny turned 11 on the 15th of September. I'm still in shock, but as long as I take my anti-shock pills every morning I manage to function! He is a great young man and we are so blessed to have him in our family. He loves to read, experiment (including taking all electrical entities apart), and make people laugh. He is quite the ham, but also very charming. Just an example...I was talking to a bunch of students and telling them how to write a certain type of poem. You know the one where you take a word like BRI and then find words that start with each letter to describe the word. So I said, "B as in Beautiful, R as in Radiant..." then I paused and with out missing a beat Lanny chimed in, "I as in Ignorant." Yeah, he's a little too clever for his own good, it made everyone laugh. He's a great kid, yes, he has his moments, but he is still a super duper sweetheart and a great big brother!
Okay, so this is just a random shot that popped up. Daddy patiently painting Kel's fingernails, it was sooooo sweet! |
Here's the birthday pics. We just had cake and ice cream at home with Grandma and Grandpa Johnson. Simple and fun! |
Lanny tried soooo hard to blow out all 11 candles, but nope, he couldn't do it. The last one hung in there... |
Get closer, Lanny, nope, it still wouldn't go out. It took several other people to help get it funny, he was kind of embarrassed. But when you're as old as he is, it takes a few tries! |
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