We hope everyone had a fabulouso, magniterrific 12-12-12. Personally it seemed like a regular day, but my kids were sure excited about it. How often does 12-12-12 come around?!? Since I'm terribly lazy, instead of making a cake or doing something fun, I made my kids write lists. I wanted to share them. I asked them to list:
12 Things You are Thankful For
12 Things You Want to Do by Next Christmas
12 Dreams (Big, Small, Outrageous, or Doable)
I will write their lists in the 12-12-12 order I listed and I will spell it how they did, because it is so cute. The bolded parts are my addtions.
First off, Lanny:
my Family
my gun
my fly rode
my tackle box
(yeah, we can see a theme, but wait, it gets better!)
my life
everything you chatch with a fishing pole (not people)
everything you shoot with guns (not people)
my knifes
Heveanly Father
Jesus Christ
get my hunters saftey
earn over 100$
gain over 30 pounds of mucles everywear (I tried to tell him that this was a bit extreme, but he is determined)
catch a frog
kill a racoon
kill a coyote
catch a ten pound fish
catch a bull head
open bait shop (he's already made the sign, and it's pretty cool)
go on a diet
learn to do a flip
buy a trip to my grandmas (this is my Mom's in Maryland)
Have my dreams (I was a bit confused by this statement as well)
catch a big fish
win 1 million pounds of gold
win a car
get a paint horse
get a michine gun
live to 10,000
be an angle (angel....being so sarcastic, I asked him if he wanted to be a 30 or 90 degree angle)
be a electrician
never get in truble
never get arrested (I can't help but wondering if with these last two he's planning on robbing a bank?)
go to china
Here's Louie's:
my family
the church
the atonement
hevenly father
the outdors
have fun
go to the park
watch tv
play with Kel
go traveiling
go sleding
go keriling
go trik-or-treeting
go to school
go to church
go to grandmas
go to citer city (this is where my sister lives)
go to merilind (Maryland, where my parents live)
move to a grate home
see Santa
live to be 10,0004 (I think she stole this from Lanny and had to beat him on the age...but only by a little)
see Jesus
be a rodeo queen
have a grat family win I grow up
to to texis
go to new youk
go to florida
go to frans
go to indea
Before I list Kessie's let me explain that I wrote hers, so they are all spelled correctly, and she can't focus. It was all I could do to get this partial list. If she comes up with more I'll update, but when I asked her what her dreams were she'd say stuff like "I want a Christmas tree, and I want a lamp" Can you tell she was looking at the Christmas tree and lamp at the time. Yeah, I told her to think about it. She did come up with a few things though.
Grandmas and Grandpas
Heavenly Father
The World
Have fun with family
Ride horses
Spend time with Grandma Marian
Go sledding
Take Pictures (Kessie got a camera for her birthday)
Go traveling
Go see baby Jace
See Uncle Dale's grave (this is Aaron's uncle who died in Vietnam)
Have a great birthday party
Go on a Mommy/Daddy daughter date
Play with Keladry
Sing Christmas songs
Here's Kel's list. I have no doubt that this little one is going places. I know that she can make all her dreams into reality!
Before I write Aaron and my own lists I have to tell you that Aaron looked at me and said, "Do you have any dreams?" I answered, "I thought the same thing, no, I don'.t." He replied, "Me neither." We still made a list, mine are a bit crazy since I said they could be outrageous, and I didn't get 12, oh well.
a beautiful and supportive wife (the liar, about the beautiful and supportive part. I'm sure he's glad he has a wife, at least I hope so.)
an incredibly creative son
an extremely bright daughter
a very lively and kind daughter
the cutest and best kissing and cuddling baby ever
the great job I held in Colorado for 10 years
the greater job I got here in Star Valley
our family's good health
the prosperity we have been blessed with
family and friends
the beautiful outdoors
that our family can be a forever family
sell our home in Cheyenne
hunt a mountain lion
sell our home in Cheyenne (yeah, he knows he repeated himself, he was actually going to list that all twelve times, but figured two would get the point across)
take Bri to the temple
take an affordable family vacation
get feeling better
magnify my church callings and prieshood
buy or begin building our family a home
take the family to Granite Hot Springs
take the family camping and fishing a lot!
get Lanny his hunters safety
take Bri and the girls horseback riding
Here he wrote over with an arrow on the paper, in case I didn't think to turn the paper over to find the rest of his list. Thanks, Honey!
own a small farm (well on his way!)
help other people (serve a couple mission)
hunt moose, dahl sheep and caribou in Alaska
build a shop/barn
build a meat processing room and a separate fur dressing room
get out of debt
become more self sufficient
see my children get married in the temple and raise families of their own
teach my grandchildren to hunt and fish
hunt a grizzly bear, mountain goat and bison
spend quality time with family and friends
go to conference at the conference center
My children
My husband
Aaron's job
The Gospel
Hugs and Kisses
Modern Conveniences (i.e. telephones, the computer, cars, Walmart, online shopping...I really miss some modern conveniences, yeah, it's Walmart)
My camera
My family's health
Far away friends and family
Run (please note, I said run, not walk) in a race. (This race could be just to the mailbox and back, but I actually want to get my butt moving.)
Take a cake decorating class
Improve my photography
Listen to the Book of Mormon cover to cover (This is huge for me, I never seem to be able to get through it in a year.)
Sell our house in Cheyenne (see, sometimes Aaron and I are on the same wave length)
Be in our own home
Learn to ride a horse (not professionally, but I would like to not be afraid)
Make friends
Start the kids in piano lessons
Wean Kel
Be Nicer
Play (play with my kids, play with the dogs, play the piano...you get the idea)
Travel the world
Be in charge of storytime at the library
Go on a mission with Aaron
Hold babies all day long in a third world country orphanage (obviously, this is after my babies are grown and I miss having little ones around)
Eat dessert for every meal and never gain a pound, or get sick
Have a long lost relative give me 392 million dollars
Get published ( I don't even write, but wouldn't it be cool to publish a book!)
Stay out of jail (I stole this directly from Lanny, I figured it was a great goal. I want to pass GO, I want to collect two hundred dollars!)
We hope all of your dreams come true, and just know that you are all on our thankful llists! Happy 12-12-12!