Thursday, June 17, 2010

Just in Case...

Just in case any of you wanted to see the hole in Goliath's mouth. I took a picture of the picture the vet sent home with me. For all of you who don't know, Goliath is amazing and was able to bite completely through his gum/jowl tissue and get it impaled on his lower canine. I had to pull it off his tooth. Then the tissue started to die so he had to have surgery and they removed his tissue. The hole was huge. He seems to be doing fine other than the fact that he is mad at me because I won't play ball with him for 10 days...don't know if he'll make it. Yeah, it was exciting and adventurous and crazy and now I'm hoping for a calm, boring summer...I can't deal with too much excitement!

Can't Get Enough of the Park

Go Fly A Kite

We went to the park on Monday and had so much fun. Lanny, of course, looked for worms. Then we played on the playground, which has lots of things that twirl and make you want to hurl. I had tons of fun taking pictures of those twirly things because the kids are thrilled, but look oh so freaked out! Then we flew a kite. I didn't know if the kids had the coordination to just keep a kite up, so I made them run with it. Kessie was first, and when I said run, those little legs flew. She didn't slow down, it was so cute! It was an excellent experience. So you'll probably see more park pictures because I've decided that is my favorite thing to do now...and in Cheyenne, you can always fly a kite!


Yep! We have a lawn. Since my children have never had a lawn to play on, unless we go to the park, this is a huge accomplishment. It has now been in for over three weeks, so we can play on it....gently. The kids are loving it, and so are the dogs. I can't get over how pretty it is, that is, until we get our first water bill, then I'll probably rip it out blade by blade, along with my hair! Just had to share some pics of it.

The kids were so excited the first time it was mowed they decided to play in the freshly cut grass and rub it all over themselves. This pic was taken after I scrubbed their feet and hands with the hose. Their hands had been so stained they almost looked black! Can't see the fun in bathing in grass clippings, but hey, they enjoyed it!

Monday, June 7, 2010


We went to the garden center to buy some tomato and pepper plants...and strawberry, seeing as how the chickens ate all 15 of my strawberry plants from last year. Seriously, I think I'll have chicken for dinner, but anyhoo. I came home with this one plant. It's all I wanted. I just love it. It is so simple, yet elegant! I saw it planted and had to have one but couldn't find them. So I hunted the sales clerk down and she got one for me. It makes me happy to look at it. Aaron asked why I wanted it so badly. I couldn't tell him, there was just something about this flower. It won't come back next year, and I usually only buy perennials, but I think I might just buy one of these every year. Hope you enjoy it too!

Memorial Day Part II

Couple More of my girls!

Memorial Day

Is everyone sitting down, because here's a shocker...we went camping and fishing for Memorial Day...I know, you're stunned. That is so unlike us to go out in the wild and get dirty. And the most amazing part...I drove the truck...while the trailer was attached! I'm amazing aren't I? Well, I was pretty proud that I didn't wreck, of course, I can't back-up, hook up, or do anything but drive forward, but that was enough to get us home. Lanny and Aaron went on to another lake on Tues. so that left the girls and I to get the trailer home. I even remembered to put up the step. On our way out, while we were still on the dirt road, we saw a moose. She was fast, don't mess with a moose, I didn't know they could run that fast, and she wasn't even trying. The girls were so excited to tell Daddy and Brother. They practiced saying, "We saw a moose!" in unison half way home. Aaron and Lanny drove for hours and hours to catch a trout and didn't get one. They were pretty upset, but they did catch one little walleye. I think that helped a little, but you can guarantee I wouldn't drive half way across the state for one fish. But I might for a good scrapbooking sale...each to their own! The reason there are no pics of Lanny is because he went fishing on the day I got my camera out. So I made due taking pics of my girls. Kessie is my animated one. She always has a different look, while Louie just looks beautiful, really...I mean we're camping, where's the dirt...thus, no pictures of me. We actually had a really great time and we made some new friends. On Monday we had a dutch oven dinner with some families from our ward and now that's all the girls talk about is playing with our new friends. We've already scheduled one play date, so that's more than last summer. Maybe we'll actually get something accomplished this, fun, fun...hope everyone's summers are starting off great!