Wednesday, July 29, 2009

And the Winner Is...

So here is the winning entry for our favorite vacation photo. It was taken by Scotty T. Aaron's long-time friend. Little did we know that Scotty had such a flare for photography and also such great timing.
Aaron and Lanny were posing with a fish, there's a shocker, when Louie suddenly said,"Oh I see how this works!" She, of course, reached out to play with the down-rigger (which in her mind she knew how to run) and promptly dumped the whole thing into 150 feet of water. Scotty snapped the picture and forever captured Aaron's horrified expression at seeing his birthday present for Clark go over the edge. Louie was extremely upset, and Aaron handled it very calmly...or so he said. Don't cry though, Clark might not have gotten a birthday present, but Aaron has two more down-riggers...thus I didn't lose too much sleep over it. But I do love the picture. Clarky gets a framed, signed copy for his birthday instead!

Here are the Horses

Here are some pictures of the horses. I was so proud of all my kids. Lanny is terrified of horses (he gets that from me) and never wants to go near them. This time he asked Grandma if he could ride, and wow, we couldn't get him off. All of my children have turned into Wyoming cowboys/girls. Lanny and Louie even loped on Wendell T. Of course, Aaron, or Grandma was with them. But still, that is huge. Louie brought her cowgirl hat all the way from home, just for riding the horses! After we rode the big horses, we met the two new babies in the family. Wow, the kids really loved them. If they stayed that size, I might consider getting a horse! They had such an amazing time. I did actually ride as well, but I'm not as photogenic, what with the terrified look on my face. Aaron says it's a pretty realistic look, but I still should work on it a bit!

Weekend Roamings

Last week Aaron took Lanny and Louie to Flaming Gorge. Just so everyone is not confused as I was, Flaming Gorge is in well as in Wyoming. Don't tell Aaron, but apparently these two states do actually have something in common. They had a super time and when Kessie and I joined them on Wednesday evening they were all sunburned, windburned, and water-logged...and loving it! We all swam and played on Thursday and then headed over to Star Valley to see the family and horses. Friday we rode the horses, Saturday we fished and went to the Johnson family reunion. Sunday was a boring ride...are we there yet, how long is an know the routine. Seeing as how I haven't done much all summer, and even though it was a very long ride, I had an enjoyable time. We now can't get on the freeway without Kessie shouting, "Look, Brother, we going camping." (The freeway is always the first lap on our camping trips.) The kids are already revving up for the next fishing/camping trip, Aaron and I are just trying to get some sleep so that we can keep up with them! Love those lazy days of summer!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I'm Baaack!

Okay, so I really didn't go anywhere, but after a month of no blogging, I should have some great excuse like I went to Paris or something. But, alas, it has just been one of those months where I get absolutely nothing accomplished. But no more, I'm starting anew...from now on I'll be blogging everyday! No, don't expect that, but I do hope to post at least once a week again. Since my last post, the kids have done more fishing...shocker, Lanny even caught a huge Walleye...he looks like he's in pain, probably because it is so heavy. Lanny also lost another tooth (one of his top front ones, and the other top front one is very loose.) We got a little pool for the kids, they love do the dogs! Our electric poles on our property were removed, the kids had a great time watching the man climb the poles. The power company has brought in a lot of heavy equipment and they love how cool some of the trucks are. Louie gave a talk in church, she did great! The next week she gave the prayer! Now she thinks she is suppose to do something every week. Of course, we watched some fireworks for the fourth. Kessie loves the "Popfires!" as she calls fireworks.
Mostly our month has consisted of little bits of life, nothing big, but we try to enjoy all of it!