Thursday, April 30, 2009


Here are the Easter pics from the previous post.


So I thought it was about time I posted a couple pictures from Spring Break and Easter. We went up to Star Valley, and although there was still a bit of snow on the ground it was so much warmer than Cheyenne it actually felt like Spring...the birds were even singing. We had a great time. We helped Grandpa Bob feed and got to visit some friends that we hadn't seen in a while. On Easter we got up and got ready to go to Sacrament meeting. The kids all looked so wonderful in their new Easter outfits. They were so excited to show them off. We got to the church and found out that we had missed Sacrament meeting, so Grandma Karen took the kids down to Grandma Clarks to show off their clothes (while Aaron, Derek, and I snuck home to make sure the Easter Bunny had come.) I think the kids enjoyed their Spring Break! Lanny even came home and did a poster for his class about feeding the cows!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Einstein, Did I spell this right?

Lanny is such a budding scientist. He found a rock today with some flecks of "gold" in it. While I was cooking dinner I noticed he had put the rock in a metal measuring cup and put really hot tap water in it.
"What are you doing, Lanny?" I asked.
"I'm melting the gold out of this rock." He is so smart. I told him that it would need to be a little hotter than tap water so he proceeded to hold the cup over the cast iron pan I had heating up on the stove.
"Nope, sorry, kiddo, I think it needs to be hotter than that as well."
After dinner he asked if we could go melt the gold and I told him first of all we needed to find the melting point of gold. He promptly ran in to the computer room, connected to the internet and googled---how to melt gold. Seriously, he is so smart. Here is the page he got to, These are the items we would need for our project:
oxy-Acetylene or oxy-propane torch
After reading the directions Lanny excitedly said, "Can we do that?!?"
My response, "No way!"
The page did post a helpful warning, i.e. don't burn yourself, well duh!
So we looked up the melting point, it is 1064.18 °C, 1947.52 °F. I don't think my oven will quite cut it. So when Aaron burns the tumbleweeds this weekend, Lanny is going to put his rock in the pile and we'll see just how hot our bonfire can get. We'll keep you posted, or you could just listen to the fire department scanner.
Also just thought it was cute, but Kessie has decided she loves sunflower seeds. I have to crack them and give her the seed, and she is very impatient as I painstakingly get seed after seed for her, constantly repeating, "More flowerweeds, please!" Wow, she's cute!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Louie and Kessie with Masterpiece.
Masterpiece doing her best impression of a baby penguin---seriously, I think she looks just like one!
This is Teeggor.
All ten crazy babies.

I have way too many pictures to post and catch up on. There is Easter, Spring Break, our Snowman, etc. However, since we are all so excited about our new babies, I thought I'd better put some pictures up of them first. Last night for FHE we went and got 10 baby chicks! Against my better judgement, Aaron convinced us all that we needed them. He said we were getting 6, yeah right! I don't like chickens, but there is something endearing about them when they are all cuddled up and sleeping. It ends there for me, though. Aaron told me we were getting them for the kids! Yet, he kept freaking out when any of the children tried to touch them..."Stop! You'll hurt them. Don't pick them up like that. Too much, let them have a break!"...You get the idea. Don't tell Aaron that we're on to his little scheme. He loves chickens and we all know that they are really for him! So if it makes him happy!!!
I named two of them because I picked them out. The striped one is "Teeggor", that is how Kessie says tiger. The dark one with a brown head is Shiela---I'm hoping she is a girl! Lanny named the yellow and gray one "Master of Peace", but we call her "Masterpiece" for short! Seriously, I don't know where he comes up with his names. Aaron named one "Snuggles", I'm telling you, he has a serious soft spot for chickens. Kessie kept telling me to pick one up so she could pet one. Everyone I tried to pick up was wrong. Finally she pointed at the big black one, she is the oldest, and said, "That duck, Mommy!" Therefore, she is now dubbed "Ducky". Louie named one Lucille and one Sweet Pea, however, which chicks they are change constantly because Louie can't remember which ones she named. We still need to name a few of them, so let's have those suggestions. I still think tadpoles are cuter and easier, but hey, the kids are thrilled (I'm actually really surprised how soft they are being with the chicks) and Aaron is happy. So here goes our new adventure!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

This and That

Friday the kids were riding bikes, and Saturday we were stuck in the house, literally. As you can see the snow drifts went almost as high as the fence. Needless to say, Aaron broke out the back-hoe to dig our driveway out.

Aaron cooked dinner on Monday for us. I had to giggle when I walked up to him and he had a Cream of Mushroom soup can attached to his hip. It was empty and I just figured he had rigged up a system to wear it so that he could through food scraps in it while he cooked (like his own portable garbage can.) Seriously, it's not that far to the garbage can, but you know, whatever floats his boat. I apparently have my own little McGyver! Alas, no, when I commented on how cute he looked with an empty tin can attached to him he looked at me quizzically. Apparently his little hitchhiker had accidentally attached itself to the magnet on his cellphone holder. He had no idea he was looking so inventive! He took it off, of course, but it was pretty cute if I do say so myself!
Today Louie was having a hard morning, first, and I'm quoting here, she couldn't find any "long-sleeved pants" to wear, then when I told her it was Conference she grumbled and asked if we could just listen to "one verse" and then go play! Alas, sorry dear, no! Not two seconds ago, Elder Anderson started his Conference talk.
"Look kids, it's our new apostle!"
"What's a fossil?" Louie asked innocently. Seriously, she keeps me giggling.
Kessie also makes me giggle. She is my Twilight buddy, mainly because she won't go to sleep until very late. She pretty much has the movie memorized. Last night we watched it and when Edward and Bella were climbing trees, I looked at her and said, "Don't try that at home!"
Totally serious, she turned to me and said, "I not, Mom!" That will change, I'm sure, once we get some mature trees!
I'm surrounded by cuteness everyday, wish I could remember it all. But it's more than my little brain can handle. So blessed--nuff said!

He Just Keeps Going...

On Thursday, Lanny told me he wanted to ride his bike on just two wheels. So Grandpa Steve took his training wheels off and Aaron held him steady for about 5 minutes. That's all they had time for, but then on Friday Lanny decided he wanted to try again. Grandpa had told him that it is easier to keep your balance if you are going fast. So Lanny decided to learn to ride his bike down our slight incline. I didn't have a problem with that because dirt is softer to land on than concrete. Aaron held onto his hood for like two seconds and then told him he was on his own. And he did it, I was seriously shocked. Once he got started, there was no stopping him. He did so great! I can't believe he learned to ride his bike so fast. He still needs to work on turns etc., but give him a hill and he is off! So proud!!!